HES Earthquake Drill- Thursday October 19 at 10:19am

HES ShakeOut Drill Guidance for teachers and families.pptx


On Thursday October 19th at 10:19am, Hilton Elementary will be participating in the “Great American Shakeout” the annual statewide earthquake drill.  The purpose of this activity is to practice how to respond to a potential earthquake in our area. This drill is not meant to be traumatic or intense, rather a walk-through event that generates discussion, reflection, and safety discussions for our students and staff.
For this event, I will address the student body on the intercom a few minutes prior to beginning the drill and give a brief description along with the purpose and procedures. The teachers will share a video about what to do in the event of an earthquake and have the students follow the steps- Drop, Cover, and Hold On. 
If you would like to discuss this at home, please open the link below to view what your student’s class will be discussing, watch a short video, and learn more about the Great Washington Shakeout.
If you have any questions regarding the Earthquake Drill, please feel free to contact me at 509-829-5400.
Mrs. Savage