About Us » Mrs. Savage's - Happy Summer!

Mrs. Savage's - Happy Summer!


Dear HES families, 

It feels like it was just yesterday that we met your students and here it is June and the end of our school year!  On behalf of all of us at Hilton Elementary School, we want to thank you for your continued support and sharing your student (s) with us.  Our Guiding Principles (HILTON) continue to lead our work with High Expectations, Intentional Focus, Love and Support, Teamwork, Opportunities for all, and No excuses. This work demands a big commitment from our teachers, support staff, parents, and our students and I truly believe, TOGETHER WE CAN AND, AND- YES, WE DID!



      HES Highlights from the year:

  • Kid’s Heart Challenge raised $11, 536 to support kids with special hearts!10 fall and spring concerts-
  • Thank you Mr. Brant!
  • Spell-A-Thon (you helped us raise over $8700 to support our ASB fund for student prizes and activities throughout the year
  • Mystic Masquerade Dance, sponsored by HES PTA (we had over 300 + participants this year)
  • Phase 1 and 2 of our new Drop-Off and Pick-Up (Thank you for your patience and helping us keep everyone safe) 😊
Key information for August:
  • District wide- Health Fair will be Thursday, August 15th from 3:30pm-7pm at ZHS
  • HES intake meetings will be August 20-21st, 2024. Your student’s assigned teacher and booking Information will be sent out prior to August 12th. 
  • First day of school is Thursday August 22, 2024- TK and Kinder will have a staggered start with assigned groups and will be shared prior to August 12th.
  • As you prepare for school shopping in August, please write your student’s name on their inside labels of sweaters, sweatshirts, and coats. This will help us get their clothing back to the correct owner and limit items on the fence every Friday.


It has been an honor working beside you and your child this school year and I thank you again for sharing them with us.  Take time to enjoy the sun, go for a walk, and maybe read a little too.  😊

Best wishes to you and your family,


Tracy Savage and the Hilton Elementary Staff